4. Navigating Agri-ERP

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Each time you log into Agri-ERP you will be taken to your homepage. The Home Dashboard provides an overview of your company activity across sales, accounts, helpdesk and products, all in one place.

The main modules of Agri-ERP can be accessed from the top menu.

You can return to the Home Dashboard at any time by clicking on the Home icon on the far left of the menu bar.

Once you have selected a main menu heading at the top of the page the left hand menu is contextual to that task. 


Users can add/remove home page widgets in order to customise the page to see the key information they want to see.


You can easily search for records within different areas of Agri-ERP by using the Search box. Find the Search box in the left-hand menu. First enter what you want to search for and then select the area of Agri-ERP you want to search in e.g. Products, Trading Partners.

The search will look for relevant information related to your criteria based on the module you choose.

Search Criteria

Here are details of what terms you can use to search on in each area of Agri-ERP:

Record Type Search terms
Trading partner Trading partner name, Alias name, Customer code, Supplier code, Cust. account. code, Sup. account. code, E-mail, URL, Sales tax ID, Professional ID 1, Professional ID 2, Professional ID 3
Contacts Fields Name, Full name, E-mail, Trading partner
Products & services Fields Ref, Ref. supplier, Product label, Description, Note
Sales contracts Fields Ref, Your reference, Description, Trading partner, Note (for documentation), Internal note
Fixings (Shipments) Fields Ref, Trading partner, Note (for documentation), Internal note
Sales invoices Ref, Your reference, Description, Trading partner, Note (for documentation), Internal note
Purchase contracts Ref, Ref supplier Order, Description, Trading partner, Note (for documentation), Internal note
Purchase invoices Ref, Ref supplier, Description, Trading partner, Note (for documentation), Internal note
Users Login, Name, Full name, Accounting account, E-mail, Note


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